Not only tasty, but also extremely healthy, pistachios are usually sold in shells. They contain healthy fats, they are a good source of protein, fiber and antioxidants. Pistachios are a good source of vitamin B6, which, incl. It affects the well -being and concentration, improves the condition of blood vessels, plays a key role in removing the necessary chemicals from the body and soothes inflammation. The studies are one of the most rich nuts. Antioxidants fight free radicals, thanks to which they delay the aging process of cells and the possibility of various diseases. Lutein and zeaxanthin contained in nuts support eye health. The studies are less caloric than other nuts, and their additional advantage is the protein content, about 20%. They are in second place after almonds. They also contain a lot of dietary fiber necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive system. The studies have a lot of L-arganin, an amino acid that transforms into nitrogen oxide in the body.
Among our 1700 available flavouring references, the standard gastronomic range of more than 250 flavourings will satisfy the majority of uses. All products listed below are available in bottles of 58ml, 115ml, 500ml, 1 litre, and in cans of 5 L, 10 L or 25 Litres.
Unsere Mehrwegdeckel bieten nicht nur sicheren Transport von verschiedenen Gerichten, sondern sind auch wiederverwendbar, recycelbar und für den Lebensmittelkontakt geeignet. Der Kauf unserer Mehrwegdeckel trägt aktiv zum Umweltschutz bei und mindert den Einsatz von Einwegplastik. Zudem können Sie die Umsetzung Ihrer Nachhaltigkeitskonzepte unterstützen. Sie helfen, Abfall zu reduzieren und die Umweltbelastung zu verringern. Die Deckel sind spülmaschinenfest und sowohl für kalte als auch heiße Speisen geeignet. So kann das Essen sicher in den Behältern aufbewahrt werden.
Glycérophosphate de calcium/vit. D3-K2
1 - Maintien de la structure minérale des os
2 - Entretien protéique des os
3 - Soutien du métabolisme énergétique
En cas de diminution de la densité osseuse, les ostéoblastes diminuent et la synthèse osseuse est ralentie. D’autre part, les ostéoclastes tendent à augmenter. Enfin, la matrice protéique des os tend à se raréfier avec l’âge. Ces processus aboutissent à la réduction de la masse osseuse et à la fragilisation du squelette.
OstéoRénov® est adapté aux personnes souhaitant maintenir une minéralisation osseuse normale grâce à la vitamine D, notamment les femmes après la cinquantaine, et en général les seniors soumis au phénomène de fragilisation osseuse.
Das horizontale Pumpwerk ist geeignet für die Entleerung wässriger und fettiger Lebensmittel aus IBC Containern oder Tanks und ist die perfekte alternative zu den vertikalen Fasspumpen.
Je nach Einsatzfall stehen Ihnen verschiedene Motore zur Verfügung, die Sie jederzeit mit dem Pumpwerk kombinieren können. Somit sind Sie jederzeit flexibel und schonen damit wichtige Ressourcen.
* Horizontaler Anschluss am Bodenlauf des Containers
* Pumpwerk ausgestattet mit Lutz Original Handrad
* auch für alkoholhaltige Lebensmittel, Kosmetika und Pharmartikel sowie entzündbare Reinigungsmittel
* Wahlweise mit Elektro- oder Druckluftantrieb
* Geringer Verlust des Mediums bei Abkoppeln
* Lebensmittelgerechte Anschlüsse
* Zugelassen nach ATEX Richtlinie 2014/34/EU, Kategorie 1/2
* Zugelassen nach FDA und Verordnung (EG) 1935/2004
Der Wert der maximalen Fördermenge wird anhand fester Parameter und mit den immer gleichen Bedingungen ermittelt.
Diese entnehmen Sie bitte unserer Webseite.
The BISS company’s product range includes packaging for moisturising wipes. The laminates we produce ensure that the appropriate level of moisture is maintained and the aromas are kept within the packaging.
A disposable container made of food grade aluminum foil is perhaps one of the most popular types of food packaging. It is convenient to bake small portions of pastries, bake meat, cook lasagne or other dishes in it. And also in this form it is very convenient to store and transport lunches and breakfasts.
Size:218x153x41 mm
Volume:960 ml
Our company, which was established in 2000, provides professional service with 20 years of experience, new and modern machines, experienced team and high quality standards and at a level that meets the expectations of our customers in this field. As Irem Spor; We manufacture gym Wall pads, gym mats and basketball hoops. We export to many countries as we provide services in all of Turkey. In addition to the successful applications we have realized, we provide quality and reliable service to our customers too. With today’s technology tools and quality materials, we are working for a long time that is durable and does not wear out. Our company, which always reflects its own style with aesthetic and stylish designs
Unsere BioBandnudeln werden ausschließlich aus Zutaten mit zertifizierter Bioqualität hergestellt.
Unsere BioBandnudeln sind kein reines Industrieprodukt, sondern werden dementsprechend nach bestem Gewissen in einer NudelManufaktur durch handwerkliches Geschick gefertigt. Durch diese ressourcenschonende Produktion garantieren wir ihnen ein einzigartiges Geschmackserlebnis. Um die Umwelt und das Produkt möglichst nachhaltig zu schützen, verzichten wir bei unseren Nudelprodukten auf eine plastikhaltige Verpackung (wie Sichtfenster) und setzen daher auf recycelte Papierbeutel mit aufgedruckten Produktbildern.
BioBandnudeln sind die perfekte Beilage zu vielen Gerichten. Nicht nur für Suppen. Bandnudeln werden am häufigsten mit einer Sauce serviert, aber es gibt auch viele andere Versionen dieses Gerichts. Bandnudeln können mit Käse, Spinat, Fleisch und vegetarischen Saucen serviert werden. Durch die Vielzahl an Sorten kann jeder die für sich passende auswählen.
Produkt enthält:1250 g
Brennwert/Energie:1444.45 kJ / 345 kcal
Fett:1.8 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren:0.5 g
Kohlenhydrate:67 g
davon Zucker:3 g
Eiweiß:13 g
Salz:0.1 g
Ballaststoffe:8 g
Gewicht:1250 g
Größe:40 × 26 × 16 cm
Allergene:Glutenhaltiges Getreide, Ohne Ei
Kochzeit:ca. 8-10 Minuten
Ursprungland:Bosnien und Herzegowina
Marke:Dr. Ana Collection
Hersteller:AnaVita-Naturkost GmbH
Rosehip seeds are popular for its health benefits. Most common use for rose hip seeds are producing cold pressed oils for food or cosmetics purposes.
Rose hip fruit are particularly rich in vitamin C. They are known to contain the carotenoids beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin and lycopene. Rosehip products help to strengthen immune system, improve skin, reduce arthritis pain.
excelente adoçante natural com os benefícios do mel, ao qual foi adicionado pó dos melhores cogumelos medicinais.
Ganoderma Lucidum é um cogumelos com excelentes propriedades medicinais.
Propriedades medicinais do Reishi: A propriedade medicinal para a qual este cogumelo tem sido mais intensamente investigado é a actividade antitomural. O maior sucesso deste cogumelo tem sido alcançado nesta área, que produzem compostos que retardam o desenvolvimento tumoral. Os componentes de alto teor molecular com efeitos tumorais mediados por uma resposta do hospedeiro em fungos soão as hecteroglicanas, quitina, peptídeoglicanas, proteoglicanas, lecitina, ácidos nucleicos (RNA), polissacaridios não digeríveis (fibras dietéticas) e B-D-glinacas (Mizuno e tal., 1995). Estudos com Ganiderma Lucidum indicam que os ácidos triterpênicos actuam sobre a membrana celular, dificultando a entrada de vírus nas células e, podem assim ter um efeito sobre o HIV (Miles & Chang, 1997).
Our empanadas are elaborated with the best quality fresh ingredients, totally natural and without additives, colorants or preservatives.
They are a wonderful option to taste as a part of a menu or as an appetizer, since they are available in different sizes and flavors.
Item No. : FP-005
Book box with cardboard dividers and magnetic flap closure for food packaging.
The flap has magnetic force on both sides that can make the box
standing up at a certian angle to display the product.
Box made of 157gsm art paper and 1200gsm greyboard.
Unique design that is suitable for the usage of tea sachets packaging,coffee sachets,
candy packaging, chocolate packaging, biscuit packaging, cosmetic packaging and more.
Les anthocyanes sont extraites de nombreux fruits et légumes.
légumes et peuvent fournir une large gamme de nuances ou de
couleurs dans différentes applications. Ces pigments hydrosolubles
peuvent être sous forme libre ou acylée, ce qui peut améliorer la stabilité du pigment et modifier la teinte.
et modifier la teinte. Un mélange judicieux de différentes anythocyanines peut donner des couleurs uniques et intéressantes.
fournir des couleurs uniques et intéressantes. L'anthocyanine est extraite de
fruits et légumes, comme la peau du raisin, le sureau, le chou rouge, le radis rouge, le maïs violet, le sucre violet, etc.
radis rouge, le maïs violet, la patate douce violette, la carotte violette, etc.
Applications :
Boissons, Conserves, Confitures et Gelées, Confiserie, Aliments Préparés, Boulangerie.
Notre suif bovin raffiné 0,1% est utilisé en alimentation pour animaux de rente. Son profil acide gras équilibré et sa richesse en acide oléique en font une graisse d’excellente qualité nutritionnelle pour vos formulations.
Sa neutralité en odeur, en couleur et ses propriétés physico-chimiques permet de se substituer à l’huile de palme.
Notre graisse respecte la réglementation CE 1069/2009 en vigueur.
Rif. 9901_
Cassetta di plastica chiusa
Rif. 9902_
Cassetta di plastica forata
Rif. 9903_
Cassetta di plastica fondo chiuso, pareti forate
Rif. 9904_
Cassetta di plastica con fondo forate, pareti chiuse
Inseribili e sovrapponibile l'uno sull'altro per risparmiare spazio, basta girare il contenitore.
Capacità: 25L
The dragee machine is used for coating the nuts with sugar. The heating system placed underneath of drum keeps the sugar melted. While the drum is rotating sugar gets sticks on the products. The machine is usually used for coating the almonds here in Turkey. The machine can be used for making dragees as well. Then comes the very delicate coating phase. Through a complex mechanism, sugar heaten to more than 100 ° is sprayed onto the cores in the form of multiple drops. The operation lasts more than three hours : time to get a sugar shell of the desired thickness before the final stage.To color the dragee is added sugar syrup. The varnish aspect is provided by a food varnish. All the steps to make a dragee last 72 hours. The more sugar layers, the longer the process lasts.Four to five person daily sort by hand : they look for the slightest imperfection. Little damaged, improper size or shape, uneven color … the slightest default dragee is departed.
Diacellite Nutri est une poudre de terre fossile provenant de Diatomées datant de 5 à 100 millions d'année. Utilisée comme insecticide des céréales stockées, dans les cultures de blé, maïs, colza, pomme de terre, betterave et autres dans la lutte contre les ravageurs. Homologuée en utilisation bio. Ne contient aucun additif chimique ou naturel.
Customizable and Resizable-B: 130x60 H:185
Services offered by Urspack-
- offer waterproof boxes made of biodegradable material (cardboard) and with an anti-grease barrier;
- customize with polychrome logo and graphics
- we produce a wide variety of packaging, of various sizes and types.
- we are the only producers from Europe for many of the packaging on the European market.
- we are ready to make new boxes proposed by our customers.
- producer prices, personalized discounts.
- discover the range of products in the attached catalog.
B: 130x60 H:185:WB05
Fitmin Dog Purity - Semimoist Rabbit & Lamb
Treat your dog to a culinary experience in the form of a fresh meat menu with rice. Fresh meat mixture on apple slices with shiitake mushrooms. Serve over rice flavoured with herbs and sprinkled with green parsley. We have carefully selected natural and fresh ingredients so that they go well with each other and are delicious to dogs' palates while maintaining the highest quality food. We guarantee the highest quality and refined taste of feed.
75% PROTEINS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN Complete semi-soft food for adult dogs of all breeds LAMB is an excellent source of group B vitamins, which are necessary for metabolic reactions in the body (e.g. B12 and thiamin). Lamb contains zinc, essential for growth, healing and a healthy immune system.
Weight: 0,8 kg, 4 kg
This is the best Fitmin has to offer - Superpremium quality - the pick of the litter.